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Articles Posted in Physician Practices


Medical Spa Series: Using a Physician Assistant

Our healthcare and business law firm works with many providers and other allied health professionals who are beginning their journeys of opening a Medical Spa.  Medical Spas have been growing in popularity across the country.  Medical Spas are unique practices as they involve many medical and non-medical procedures.  There are…


Georgia Medical Spa Series: Corporate Practice of Medicine Doctrine

Our healthcare and business law firm works with many providers and other allied health professionals who are beginning their journeys of opening a Medical Spa.  Medical Spas have been growing in popularity across the country.  Medical Spas are unique practices in that they involve many medical and non-medical procedures.  There…


Post 2 of 2: The Pretrial Diversion Program in Georgia: Answering Questions Relating to the Offense

This is the second post in a series related to the Pretrial Diversion Program in Georgia.  The first post provided an overview of the Pretrial Diversion Programs in Georgia and the potential impact on a successful participant’s criminal record.  This post focuses on how successful completion may impact a participant’s…


Post 1 of 2: The Pretrial Diversion Program in Georgia: An Overview

Our healthcare and business law firm works with many providers and other professionals who have been arrested and charged with misdemeanors.  Our clients will, of course, hire criminal defense counsel to handle the criminal proceedings but professionals generally hire our firm navigate the professional consequences of an arrest.  Many of…


3 Physician Employment Agreement Terms to Review before Resigning

Our healthcare and business law firm works with many providers at all stages of employment, including physicians taking their first jobs after training, becoming partners at practices, and selling their practices and retiring.  One consistently stressful time for all providers is resigning from a practice.  Through our experience, we have…


Tennessee State Telemedicine Prescribing Rules

Our healthcare and business law firm previously published a blog post on the federal telemedicine rules.  Both Federal and State rules govern the provision of telemedicine.  Each state’s rules governing telemedicine are different, but the applicable laws and rules are generally found in the state medical board’s rules, insurance code,…


3 Tips if You’re Facing an Insurance Audit

Many of our healthcare and business law firm’s clients periodically face audits by insurance companies or governmental organizations, usually through a contractor.  Audits can be unnerving times for a practice to go through.  This blog post outlines 3 tips for handling an insurance audit.  The Centers for Medicaid and Medicare…


Alabama State Telemedicine Rules

Our healthcare and business law firm previously published a blog post on the federal telemedicine rules.  Both Federal and State rules govern the provision of telemedicine.  Each state’s rules governing telemedicine are different, but the applicable laws and rules are generally found in the state medical board’s rules, insurance code,…


Concierge Medicine Practices: Medicare Compliance Risks

Increasingly, our healthcare and business law firm’s clients are interested in opening concierge medicine practices.  Little Health Law’s last blog post provided an overview of what concierge medicine is with references to compliance risks.  This post outlines those very serious compliance risks for practices that treat Medicare patients and are…


Concierge Medicine Practices FAQ

Both concierge medicine and direct primary care practices have become popular alternatives to the traditional insurance medical practice model.  In a previous post, we discussed direct primary care (“DPC”) practices, which are typically different from concierge medicine practices because DPC practices generally cut insurance companies out from the provider-patient relationship.…

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