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Articles Posted in Physician Practices


3 Options Healthcare Professionals Have to Form Professional Entities in Georgia

As a healthcare and business law firm, we have many clients who wish to not only practice medicine but own their own businesses.  After developing a name for their business and generally outlining the mission and purpose of the business, the next step for our healthcare business clients is to…


3 Facts About Pain Management Clinics in Georgia

As a healthcare and business law firm, we have many clients who participate in or wish to participate in pain management clinics.  Pain management clinics are a controversial topic.  Although useful when managed correctly, these clinics are widely thought to be part of the cause for the opioid epidemic.  Georgia…


Ringing in the New Year in Compliance with the Equal Pay Act

Welcome to the fifth and final of our business and healthcare law firm’s holiday-themed blog posts. We hope you have enjoyed this holiday season so far and have a great time ringing in the new year tonight.  Happy 2021! Many of our healthcare provider and healthcare business clients own their…


“The Theme I’ve Been Waiting for All My Life”: CMS’ Proposed Rule Promoting Electronic Access to Health Information

Welcome to the third of our business and healthcare law firm’s holiday-themed blog posts. This week’s post is inspired by my favorite holiday movie, A Christmas Story, and the eloquent words Ralphie wrote: “A Red Ryder BB gun with a compass in the stock, and this thing which tells time.”…


Let’s Talk Turkey…Considering Federal Age Discrimination Laws Before Reducing Your Healthcare Work Force

Welcome to the first of our holiday-themed (at least in title) blog posts.  As we approach the holidays at the conclusion of a financially challenging year, cost savings may be on the minds of many healthcare business owners.  Healthcare employers may be considering—or have already considered—measures to save money and…


What Are Your Options When a Negative Reference Costs You a Job?

Your reputation as a medical provider is a commodity you must protect, especially regarding your aptitude for providing patient care.  Of course, you may not be a perfect fit at every medical practice.  When that happens, your employment may end, and you seek other employment.  No harm, no foul. But…


Georgia Schools and Businesses Post Warning Signs to Avoid Liability Under COVID-19 Pandemic Business Safety Act

As Georgia schools and other businesses respond to open and operate safely in the face of the COVID-19 Pandemic, many are posting warning signs consistent with a new law in the state passed to protect them from liability. Georgia-based Business and Healthcare Law Firm This summer, Georgia joined many other…


Flattening the Curve Through Telemedicine

Telemedicine has new and profound importance due to the COVID-19 crisis.  “Virtual” healthcare preserves patient protective equipment that would otherwise be used and allows physicians to manage chronic illnesses remotely, without the in-person interaction that exposes provider and patient to the risk of spread. This increased reliance on telemedicine has prompted…


To Compete or Not to Compete?

As a business and healthcare litigation firm focused exclusively on advising and representing health care providers, we work virtually every day with contracts that involve non-compete agreements and other forms of restrictive covenants.  Almost all physician employment, for example, will involve a physician employment agreement that contains a restrictive covenant. …

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