As a healthcare and business law firm, we work with many employers and employees to navigate complex employment matters, oftentimes with an eye towards federal employment regulations. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted employment in the United States. Now that the Country is reopening and people are returning to work, a…
Little Health Law Blog
Employee’s Right to Federal Injunctive Relief Pending EEOC Action in Eleventh Circuit
As a healthcare and business law firm, we work with many healthcare employers and employees to resolve employment disputes. When disputes involve the civil rights of the employee, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s (“EEOC”) administrative process may be triggered. For instance, if an employee alleges discrimination based on sex or…
The Impact of COVID-19 & HB 307 on Telemedicine in Georgia
As a healthcare and business law firm, we work with may healthcare providers and employers who wish to integrate telehealth into their business models and, understandably, have questions. What is telehealth versus telemedicine? What laws and rules govern the practice of telemedicine? Has COVID-19 impacted telemedicine? Etc. This post intends…
4 Tips on Initiating an EEOC Action and COVID-19 Delays
As a healthcare and business law firm, we work with many employers and employees to prevent, resolve, and, if required, litigate employment matters. When the underlying issue alleged is discrimination in the workplace, the law grants the employee a required process for investigating the matter through the Equal Employment Opportunity…
CMS’ Interoperability and Patient Access Final Rule Soon to Be Enforced
On May 1, 2020, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”) published final rule CMS-9115-F known as the Interoperability and Patient Access final rule. “This final rule is the first phase of policies centrally focused on advancing interoperability and patient access to health information.” 85 Fed. Reg. 25511. CMS…
3 Code Sections that Define a Georgia Chiropractor’s Scope of Practice
Our last blog post provided an overview of the Georgia Board of Chiropractic Examiners (“3 Aspects of the Georgia Board of Chiropractic Examiners”). Now, we wish to provide an overview of the scope of practice for chiropractors in Georgia. As mentioned in the last post, the main rules covering the…
3 Aspects of the Georgia Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Our healthcare business law firm works with many chiropractors on licensure and compliance matters. The rules governing chiropractors are not found within Georgia’s Medical Practice Act, and chiropractors are not governed by the Georgia Composite Medical Board (“GCMB”). See O.C.G.A. §§ 43-34-22, 43-9-2. Rather, the chiropractic rules are found in…
The National Practitioner Data Bank and Medical Board Reports
Every medical practitioner is familiar with the National Practitioner Data Bank (“NPDB”). Under federal regulations, eligible entities report to or query the NPDB. State medical boards report adverse licensure actions to the NPDB. This includes such actions as a denial of a licensure application or voluntary surrender of a medical…
Appealing an Adverse Georgia Superior Court Decision
Our healthcare and business law firm works with many clients who are involved in litigation. Cases begin by one party bringing an action (the “Plaintiff”) against another party (the “Defendant”) in either a state or federal court. Generally speaking, cases begin at the trial court level; in Georgia, that is…
2 Tactics for Negotiating Malpractice Insurance in Physician Employment Contracts
Our last blog post outlined 3 Practical Questions for Providers to Consider Before Signing an Employment Agreement. In this post, we focus on a question that is at the forefront of our physician-client’s mind when evaluating employment opportunities: “Am I responsible for paying for tail insurance coverage?” As a healthcare…