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Little Health Law Blog


The National Practitioner Data Bank and Medical Board Reports

Every medical practitioner is familiar with the National Practitioner Data Bank (“NPDB”). Under federal regulations, eligible entities report to or query the NPDB. State medical boards report adverse licensure actions to the NPDB. This includes such actions as a denial of a licensure application or voluntary surrender of a medical…


2 Tactics for Negotiating Malpractice Insurance in Physician Employment Contracts

Our last blog post outlined 3 Practical Questions for Providers to Consider Before Signing an Employment Agreement.  In this post, we focus on a question that is at the forefront of our physician-client’s mind when evaluating employment opportunities: “Am I responsible for paying for tail insurance coverage?”  As a healthcare…


3 Practical Questions for Providers to Consider Before Signing an Employment Agreement

As a healthcare and business law firm, we routinely review and analyze employment agreements for physicians and other providers both when negotiating an agreement and after a dispute has arisen.  Through our experience, we have developed tips and learned what is common, what is likely to cause disputes, and what…


Contract Pitfall #1: Using an Incorrect Entity Name

As a healthcare and business law firm, we have many business entity clients.  It is common for business-minded individuals to operate multiple registered companies.  When entering business contracts, it is easy for the entity name to be mistyped, written in an abbreviated or well-known form, or somehow written incorrectly, especially…


Clinical Laboratories & COVID-19: Guidance for Record Retention and Sharing

As a healthcare and business law firm, we assist many clinical laboratories in compliance and regulatory matters, and because of COVID-19, Georgia has seen a rise in the number of clinical laboratories.  A compliance question faced by many of our clients, particularly those who conduct COVID-19 testing, is how to…


3 Options Healthcare Professionals Have to Form Professional Entities in Georgia

As a healthcare and business law firm, we have many clients who wish to not only practice medicine but own their own businesses.  After developing a name for their business and generally outlining the mission and purpose of the business, the next step for our healthcare business clients is to…


3 Facts About Pain Management Clinics in Georgia

As a healthcare and business law firm, we have many clients who participate in or wish to participate in pain management clinics.  Pain management clinics are a controversial topic.  Although useful when managed correctly, these clinics are widely thought to be part of the cause for the opioid epidemic.  Georgia…


Tips For Interviewing With Your State Licensing Board

A critical component for physicians, dentists, nurses, respiratory therapists and other healthcare practitioners is obtaining and keeping active in good standing your professional license to practice.  In Georgia, the Georgia Composite Medical Board (“GCMB”) is the state licensing board which determines whether a license application of a physician, physician assistant,…


Georgia Composite Medical Board Petition for Waiver or Variance

Happy New Year!  We hope you all had an enjoyable holiday season and celebration bringing in the new year.  As a healthcare and business law firm, we represent physicians with matters before the Georgia Composite Medical Board (“GCMB”).  Herein, we discuss a tool available to any physician who believes strict…

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