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person-agreement-1138686-m.jpgThe trend in the United States toward physician employment by hospital systems, large medical practices, and other health care employers is continuing. Physicians should not make the mistake of failing to negotiate fair terms and good language in their physician employment agreements.

Atlanta Physician Employment Agreement Law Firm

The excitement of a new career opportunity may cause some physicians to forget that for the employer, the employment of doctors is business and nothing more. Employers invest considerable financial resources and take on significant business risks by employing doctors and, understandably, must protect themselves. That employers protect themselves with proper legal representation and documents drawn in strongly in their favor should never be a surprise.

What is surprising is that many doctors either take the particular language used in a hospital’s template physician employment agreement for granted altogether or, if they carefully study it, incorrectly assume it is written in stone and non-negotiable. It is always a mistake to not to carefully evaluate the terms of employment, how language is used to memorialize the terms, and the possibility of proposing some changes. While all provisions of a physician employment agreement should be carefully evaluated, the following five steps are essential to proper negotiation and drafting of physician employment contracts.

1. Know what you want

Methodically breaking down a particular job opportunity into attributes that you like, dislike or would improve is an important first step to prepare for the inevitable give-and-take of the contract negotiation process. To negotiate effectively, you must know what you want and what does not really matter to you. For example, for some doctors, family circumstances may render a particular schedule or the absence of call time a critical part of a contract; for another doctor who evaluates the same job, the particular schedule may not matter so much or call time may actually be desired. The same form contract may be presented to both doctors. Employers like to use their template contract forms (at least as a starting point) for all physician contracts. In negotiating terms or language, typically it is advantageous to leave alone points or issues that do not make a material difference to you since the more you change terms the greater the chance that you will sour the deal. To help properly limit how much change you broach with the employer, you must first determine what matters to you — what terms you really want or do not want. Make a list, then ask yourself whether the contract accurately states your intentions as to the material terms of the contract.

2. Do not assume a term or particular language is non-negotiable

Too often physicians assume that just because the employer is large and has counsel prepare a form agreement every word of the contract is a take-it-or-leave it proposition. While the flexibility employers have about their form physician employment agreements will vary from employer to employer, if the employer is reasonable and acting in good faith, rarely is any terminology written in stone. To the contrary, more often than not, the input of the physician and his lawyer about how contract language can be improved can make the agreement more fairly stated to the benefit of both sides. All contract language should be stated in a mutually fair, precise and accurate way that reflects the true meeting of the minds. Signing anything that does not achieve that basic objective can be a large mistake.
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calculator-stethoscope-1004851-m.jpgMore than ever, physician innovation is needed in business models for medical practices to deal with problems associated with our cumbersome third party payer healthcare system. Our Atlanta health care law firm supports direct pay practice medicine as a positive trend. Many doctors are now setting up direct pay (a/k/a “concierge”) medical practices. This practice model in its purest form eliminates third party payers, and the patient-“member” of the concierge plan pays a fixed, prepaid fee for a menu of physician services that typically offer the patient greater access to the doctor. Varying hybrid concierge models exist that include some limited use of insurance plans. Direct Pay practices will likely continue to emerge and flourish as doctors seek smart business alternatives to deliver care in spite of a challenging regulatory and third-party payer healthcare environment.

For patients, belonging to a concierge practice usually means more access to and time with a doctor who really gets to know them and increasingly with flexible, affordable financial options to suit individual needs. For doctors, direct pay practice models can offer handsome compensation and desired relief from the medical hamster wheel of having to see a patient every six minutes to make reimbursement numbers work, with all the red tape and other burdens that attend having to spend too much time dealing with insurance companies. So what is the downside to a direct pay practice?

There are many legal and business issues unique to health care that confine doctors in how they set up a medical practice. These issues must be carefully evaluated to ensure medical compliance and avoid unpleasant business issues down the road. Although policy makers have not created direct restrictions prohibiting the concierge practice model, for those physicians who want to start or convert to this model, many legal considerations warrant caution and special care in setting up the business. Medicare presents a strong example. Doctors that accept Medicare reimbursement can either accept assignment and bill Medicare directly for their services or seek payment from the patient (who, in turn, seeks reimbursement from Medicare). Physicians can execute “participation agreements” with Medicare and receive greater reimbursement (5%). However, Medicare participating doctors cannot charge more than what is allowed by the Medicare fee schedules. Non-participating doctors who do not accept assignment cannot charge more than 115% of applicable amounts in the Medicare fee schedules. Violations of Medicare assignment rules can be prosecuted under the federal False Claims act.
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whistle-718988-m.jpgControlling healthcare costs is essential to the economic security of the United States. Total healthcare spending in the U.S., already an astronomical $3 trillion dollars in 2013, is expected to grow almost 6% annually through 2022.1 Spiraling healthcare costs is an obvious problem on many levels, including the fact that, through Medicare, the federal government is the single largest purchaser of healthcare in our third party payer system. Total Medicare spending is expected to increase from $523 billion in 2010 to $932 billion by 2020.2

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, commonly known as the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or “Obamacare,” has frequently been in the spotlight for website issues and intense political debate over the law. However, a less publicized – but critical – aspect of the ACA is its intended role of curbing the rise in our nation’s healthcare costs.3
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hospital-room-449234-m.jpgMedicare payments to community health centers are expected to increase by as much as $1.3 billion over the next five years, according to Bloomberg News, based on a new prospective payment system. On April 30, 2014, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) rendered a Final Rule that, among other things, implements methodology and payment rates for a prospective payment system (PPS) for federally qualified health centers (FQHC), effective October 1, 2014. The Final Rule stems from the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) provisions to establish a new payment system for FQHC services under Medicare Part B (supplemental medical insurance) based on prospectively set rates.
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whistleblower_false_claim_act_qui_tam-71225290.jpgWhat are whistleblower lawsuits?

Whistleblower lawsuits and settlements are on the rise and in the news. From January 2009 through September 2013, the federal government recovered $17 billion in false claims alone. Of course, most healthcare providers are honest and work diligently to improve the health of their patients and contribute to the lawful operation of a healthcare business. It is in the best financial interests of physicians and other healthcare providers who comply with the law that fraudulent schemes to unlawfully obtain government funds be deterred and remedied. The federal and many state governments have determined that a crucial means of combatting healthcare fraud is by incentivizing those who are aware of fraud to report it as a “whistleblower.”1 In light of spiraling healthcare costs and with state and federal governments’ roles as third party payors, healthcare whistleblowing protects law-abiding taxpayers, healthcare professionals and consumers.

As this article explains, many federal and state whistleblower laws provide legal causes of actions for employees, officials and others who suspect or discover violations of law, waste or abuse within government or fraudulent practices by companies doing business with government. A person with knowledge of a violation or fraud, known as a whistleblower or “relator,” may bring a lawsuit to expose the fraud or abuse and recover damages on the government’s behalf. In many cases, whistleblowers are entitled to a percentage of the recovery for their efforts in uncovering fraud and assisting in the recovery.
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dark-dollar-2-1193021-m.jpgShopping savvy largely derives from the discomfort of parting with money. If health insurance pays all (or most) of the bill for healthcare services, why should the patient care what the cost of the healthcare is, how such cost is calculated, or how cost might be reduced? But as a patient begins to spend money out-of-pocket for healthcare, his attention to cost and his interest in how cost is determined and what alternatives might save money quickly increase. When his money is spent, he tends to want to know more about his medical bills, what the details are and, ultimately, how price is calculated. Historically, how healthcare is priced has been all but impossible for consumers to ascertain. Now, there is a push in the healthcare industry toward greater pricing transparency, which may dovetail well with increasing financial responsibility placed upon patients for their healthcare costs. Many experts argue that greater price transparency will lead to more intelligent “shopping” by patients for their healthcare, which in turn may (at least theoretically) put downward pressure on healthcare costs.
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gavel-952313-m.jpgHalifax Hospital Medical Center and Halifax Staffing, Inc. (Halifax), on the day of jury selection, agreed to pay $85 million and made other concessions as part of a settlement with the federal government to resolve allegations that Halifax violated STARK prohibitions and the False Claims Act (FCA). The settlement amount is the largest STARK sanction to date against a hospital system for STARK law violations.

The case is styled United States ex rel v. Halifax Hospital Medical Center, et al., No. 09-cv-1002 (M.D. Fla). The government’s allegations stemmed from Halifax’s financial relationships with a group of oncologists. The case was initiated by a compliance officer of the hospital, and the Justice Department agreed to take the case pursuant to the FCA.
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us-capitol-building-2-431642-m.jpgHouse Republicans gained the support of 27 Democrats and passed The Suspending the Individual Mandate Penalty Law Equals Simple (SIMPLE) Fairness Act (H.R. 4118), a bill that would delay for one year the Affordable Care Act (ACA) individual mandate penalty tax for those failing to buy health insurance before the deadline this month. As reported recently in the Washington Post, while destined to fail in the Democratic-controlled Senate, this Bill nonetheless underscores mounting pressure upon the Administration and Democrats in an election year, as the troubled healthcare law struggles to get traction in its implementation and with voters. Republicans want mileage in November from increasing public confusion and disenchantment about the ACA. They seize upon much publicized trouble spots of ACA implementation, such as the disastrous rollout of the website, cancelled policies, patients unable to stay with the doctor they prefer, and higher insurance premiums.

Insurers and proponents of the ACA view the individual mandate as critical to the financial mechanics of the health insurance reform intended by the ACA, namely expansion of insurance coverage to most Americans irrespective of health conditions and without lifetime or annual caps on benefits. With the new law’s imposition upon insurers of a requirement that they insure all Americans — even the most high-cost patients — it is important that the young and healthy, whether they need insurance or not, pay insurance premiums to help fund the insurers’ cost of paying for the health care of unhealthy Americans. Hence the law’s controversial individual mandate that everyone obtain coverage and pay insurance premiums or, alternatively, pay a penalty tax based on household income. The penalty is to begin this year, phased in at 1 percent of taxable income, then 2 percent in 2015, and 2.5 percent in 2016.
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