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HIPAA-Breaches-Healthcare-Students-e1615468812558On April 11, 2023, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights (OCR) announced its plan to allow the Notifications of Enforcement Discretion issued under HIPAA and the HITECH Act during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) to expire on May 11, 2023.

Early on in the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of telehealth appointments increased dramatically in an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19 as millions of doctors’ visits and health care examinations were often postponed or even canceled. OCR quickly recognized the critical need to assist the healthcare sector and the public in responding to this unprecedented crisis and in 2020 and 2021, published four Notifications of Enforcement Discretion in the Federal Register regarding how the Privacy, Security, Breach Notification, and Enforcement Rules under HIPAA would be applied to certain violations during the PHE. Continue reading ›

Cooperation-e1683920749306For the better part of the last three years, many healthcare providers either voluntarily or by force have put many of the mandated HIPAA self-assessment audit requirements on the back burner. As has been seen most recently, that is all about to change…significantly.

By way of background, the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act of 2009 (HITECH) requires the Department of Health and Human Services to periodically audit covered entities and business associates for their compliance with the requirements of HIPAA.  During these audits, covered entities are often asked to produce policies and procedures as well as evidence that they have been conducting accurate and thorough assessments of the potential risks and vulnerabilities to the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of all electronically-protected health information (PHI) that they create, receive, maintain or transmit.To assist these entities in maintaining compliance, the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) has provided many different self-assessment tools, many of which can be found here.

Since the onset of COVID however, many covered entities have been faced with other significant challenges including strict adherence to vaccine and quarantine requirements as well as significant reductions in workforce and discretionary income often needed to conduct such intensive HIPAA self-assessments. Continue reading ›

13150124_G-e1683216085435Our healthcare and business law firm works with many providers and other allied health professionals who are beginning their journeys of opening a Medical Spa.  They have been growing in popularity across the country.  Medical Spas are unique practices in that they involve many medical and non-medical procedures.  There are many factors to consider in opening a medical spa, and this series focuses on key factors to consider when opening a medical spa in Georgia.  Although our healthcare law firm has assisted numerous clients in establishing a medical spa from the ground up, each client continues to present unique issues requiring our firm to research and analyze the nuances of each client’s intended setup.  This Georgia Medical Spa Series is intended to provide a useful overview of some key laws, rules, and regulations impacting medical spas.

This post in the Medical Spa Series provides examples of common OSHA violations for medical practices.  If you have questions regarding this blog post or would like to speak with counsel regarding opening your medical spa practice, you may contact us at (404) 685-1662 (Atlanta) or (706) 722-7886 (Augusta), or by email, You may also learn more about our law firm by visiting

OSHA maintains a list of Frequently Cited OSHA Standards, which can be narrowed down by industry/NAICS code.  There is not a specific med spa code, but there is a code for health care and social assistance (NAICS Code 62). Continue reading ›

HealthcareImage_062618-700x525-1-e1682709849274Our healthcare and business law firm works with many providers and other allied health professionals who are beginning their journeys of opening a Medical Spa.  Medical Spas have been growing in popularity across the country.  They are unique practices in that they involve medical and non-medical procedures.  There are many factors to consider in opening a medical spa, and this medical spa series focuses on key factors to consider when opening a medical spa in Georgia.  Although our healthcare law firm has assisted numerous clients in establishing a medical spa from the ground up, each client continues to present unique issues requiring our firm to research and analyze the nuances of each client’s intended setup.  This Georgia Medical Spa Series is intended to provide a useful overview of some key laws, rules, and regulations impacting medical spas.

This post in the Medical Spa Series focuses on General OSHA standards.  The next post outlines the most common OSHA violations for medical practices.  If you have questions regarding this blog post or would like to speak with counsel regarding opening your medical spa practice, you may contact us at (404) 685-1662 (Atlanta) or (706) 722-7886 (Augusta), or by email, You may also learn more about our law firm by visiting

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is part of the United States Department of Labor of Labor.  22 states have a OSHA-approved State Plans covering private sector and state and local government works, 7 states have OSHA-approved State Plans covering only state and local government workers, and the rest of the states operate under federal OSHA jurisdiction.  “State Plans,”  Georgia is under federal OSHA jurisdiction covering most private sector workers (not state and local government workers). Continue reading ›

nurses-and-docs-e1681928313827Our healthcare and business law firm often assists physicians and other providers in obtaining and maintaining licensure.  Sometimes, physicians desire assistance to ensure a smooth process without having any occurrences to disclose.  The majority of the time, however, when we are hired to assist in licensure matters, the physician has a past or ongoing event that they need assistance with.  We usually begin by evaluating whether the occurrence must be, should be, or need not be disclosed.  One important question that is always present and concerning to many is the mental health question, which is also the first question on the Applicant Questionnaire section of the license application in Georgia.  There have been different iterations of this question over the years, and earlier this year, the Medical Board modified the questions once again.  This post explains the progression of this question in Georgia. If you need assistance applying for or maintaining licensure or would like to discuss this blog post, you may contact our healthcare and business law firm at (404) 685-1662 (Atlanta) or (706) 722-7886 (Augusta), or by email, You may also learn more about our law firm by visiting

The mental health question on applications for licensure can be alarming to many physicians. Continue reading ›

Prepayment-Review-Shift-Blog-07-22-2016-e1681242443952Our healthcare and business law firm often assists medical practices in responding to medical record and coding audits initiated by private and governmental payors.  If a payor believes there are consistent concerns with a medical practice’s claims, the payor may place the practice under a prepayment review process.  This process can be very concerning to a practice and, in some cases, can place a practice at risk of shutting down.  A previous post provided an overview of standard claims processes versus a prepayment review process.  Prepayment review processes are different depending on which payor you are dealing with and whether the payor is private or government.  Herein, I provide a few tips for dealing specifically with TRICARE/Humana Military regarding a prepayment review process.  If you have questions about an insurance audit or prepayment review process or would like to discuss this blog post, you may contact our healthcare and business law firm at (404) 685-1662 (Atlanta) or (706) 722-7886 (Augusta), or by email, You may also learn more about our law firm by visiting

In a previous blog post, I presented three tips for dealing with an audit from any payor.  Those tips remain relevant for trying to end a prepayment review with TRICARE/Humana Military.  The below tips are targeted specifically for dealing with a prepayment review process with TRICARE/Humana Military that is causing harm to your business due to the lack of claims being timely paid.

Tip 1: Get Your Community Liaison Involved

As a TRICARE provider, you have a Community Liaison that you can connect with via email and through the portal.  Your Community Liaison is there to answer your questions and connect you with the right people. Continue reading ›

self-employed-health-insurance-deduction-feature-1280x720-1-e1680719330392Our healthcare and business law firm often assists medical practices in responding to medical record and coding audits initiated by private and governmental payors.  If a payor believes there are consistent concerns with a medical practice’s claims, the payor may place the practice under a prepayment review process.  This process can be very concerning to a practice and, in some cases, can place a practice at risk of shutting down.  If you have questions about an insurance audit or prepayment review process or would like to discuss this blog post, you may contact our healthcare and business law firm at (404) 685-1662 (Atlanta) or (706) 722-7886 (Augusta), or by email, You may also learn more about our law firm by visiting

Standard Claims Reimbursement Process

Generally, once a medical practice establishes a relationship with a payor, the practice can submit claims electronically that are paid without requiring individual review.  Generally, supporting documentation is not required to be submitted along with the claim. Continue reading ›

health-medical-e1680627379406Our healthcare and business law firm often assists medical practices in responding to medical record and coding audits initiated by private and governmental payors.  Responding to each payor is unique.  The way I might respond to a private payor may differ from how I respond to a government payor.  This post, however, provides a few tried-and-true tips to consider when faced with an audit.  If you have questions about an insurance audit or would like to discuss this blog post, you may contact our healthcare and business law firm at (404) 685-1662 (Atlanta) or (706) 722-7886 (Augusta), or by email, You may also learn more about our law firm by visiting

Tip 1- Hire Counsel

Although this sounds self-serving, it is not.  Attorneys who are experienced assisting medical practices with responding to insurance audits are well worth their cost.  Continue reading ›

5061-dreamstime_m_28850408-e1680196937118Our healthcare and business law firm often assists provider and medical practice clients with preparing informed consents.  Many clients offer treatments in an off-label use and question whether informed consents are necessary for such use.  Currently, there is no FDA requirement to get a patient’s informed consent, but it may be beneficial for your practice to implement off-label informed consents.  If you have questions about patient consents or would like to discuss this blog post, you may contact our healthcare and business law firm at (404) 685-1662 (Atlanta) or (706) 722-7886 (Augusta), or by email, You may also learn more about our law firm by visiting

What Does “Off Label” Mean?

Off label means providing treatment and prescribing medications for conditions or using a dose different than what the FDA has approved.  To become an approved use of a drug or treatment, the FDA must “conduct a careful evaluation of its benefits and risks for that use” and ensure that use “is supported by strong scientific data.”  Continue reading ›

rawpixel-703120-unsplash-e1678464455417Our healthcare and business law firm often assists physicians and other providers in employment matters, from reviewing proposed contracts to litigating non-compete matters.  We’ve written previous material on physician employment, including Keys to Negotiating a Good Contract and Physician Non-Compete Agreements.  As mentioned in our previous post, our firm has recently been dealing with issues raised by co-terminus language, or language providing that a physician’s hospital clinical privileges automatically terminate when the employment contract is terminated.  The previous post provided an overview of co-terminus language and potential issues raised by such language.  This post focuses on possible ways a physician can protect herself or himself from those issues. If you have NPDB or employment questions or would like to discuss this blog post, you may contact our healthcare and business law firm at (404) 685-1662 (Atlanta) or (706) 722-7886 (Augusta), or by email, You may also learn more about our law firm by visiting


Although there may be many ways for a physician to protect themselves from the issues posed by co-terminus language (which issues we detailed in our previous blog post available here), below are a few ways we have dealt with in the past, some in the contract negotiation phase and others are actions to take after employment has ended.  Note, these actions do not insulate a physician from issues, but rather add protections to try and reduce the chance that the physician is met with problems relating to clinical privileges. Continue reading ›

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