This is our third blog post on concierge medicine practices this month due to an increase in interest by our business and healthcare law firm’s clients. Previous blog posts provided an overview of what concierge medicine is and an overview of compliance risks under Medicare. This post continues the topic by discussing how commercial payors view concierge medicine practices. If you have questions regarding this blog post or starting a concierge practice, you may contact us at (404) 685-1662 (Atlanta) or (706) 722-7886 (Augusta), or by email, You may also learn more about our law firm by visiting
As stated in our previous post, understanding the compliance risks associated with concierge medicine practices requires understanding a fairly easy and, perhaps, obvious concept: Providers cannot bill patients for services paid for by their insurance; a practice referred to as “double billing.” The general rule is the same for Medicare and commercial payors. Continue reading ›